Monday, August 10, 2009

WWLHMD? What would Larry H Miller do?


That is a question I find myself asking, but wishing I wasn't. I really believe that if LHM was still alive, this whole mess would have been sorted out by now. I think we already know how he feels about this situation when he said that BOOzer's comment after a Nets game was one of the top ten stupidest things said by an NBA player. There have been a lot of NBA players and a LOT of stupid things said. LHM knew that BOOz had already backed himself into a corner.

One does have to wonder just how much of this is actually driven by BOOz. Carlos seems like a smart enough guy but just turns dumb when it comes to contracts. Maybe this is really driven by somebody else. Maybe it is his wife. In an attempt to reconcile an announced divorce he is doing everything he can to get his wife out of Utah. Maybe she hates the area so much that she has given him an ultimatum and it forced his hand earlier than he wanted to. I think this is a real possibility. He left Cleveland to get paid and he is going to leave Utah because they don't like it here. He ran to Utah because they were offering the most money. The decision now might have more to do with personal opinions than it does money.

I'm just not really sure how he thought that opting back in and basically demading a trade would be a good idea. I'm sure he had discussions with teams around the league and found that he wasn't getting the offers he thought he might. He knew that he would have to play another year and show everybody that he is the 20/10 guy he has been in the past. He just better show that he is a 75+ game a year guy if he wants to get paid.

The Jazz are in a very difficult spot here. They can't take much of anything back in trade because we don't want to take on any long term contracts. I just hope that this distraction doesn't cause much of an issue in the lockerroom.

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